The Elliots
a bit about the Elliots

Andrew (originally from Antrim) and Rosália (from Brazil) worked in Spain for 22 years - the last 15 of those with Baptist Missions. They are currently on a period of extended home leave, but they continue to be burdened about the tremendous needs of Spain and pray about returning there.
Their heart is for the ministry of church planting; Spain has literally thousands of towns and villages with no evangelical church, with an estimated population of over 10 million people.

Coaching For Christ
Jessica was saved as a young child and grew up with a desire to serve God and a passion for football. Having completed an internship with Coaching for Christ, Jessica is now a full time worker mainly in the Ballymena area, coaching children and sharing the good news about Jesus.
The Moisevicis
Real Hope
In September 2016 the Moisevici family moved to serve God in Brasov, Romania alongside the charity, Real Hope. The charity supports young people after they have left state-run children's centres and have no-one to care for them. They have four children; Andrei, Sebi, Luca and Casi.

Belfast City Mission
David began his ministry with BCM in June 2023. He is based in the BCM hub in the Rathcoole Estate in Belfast, working "to reach out to the churches, the careless the poor with the love of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ." He is married to Rhonda and has two sons, Micah and Jude.
follow them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BCMinRathcoole"